Course curriculum

    1. Welcome To The Sarah Curtis Mortgages & Insurance First Home Buyers School!

    1. Budgets - Don't panic!

    2. What Is A Money Plan?

    3. What Do You Include In A Money Plan?

    4. Planning For Less Frequent Expenses

    5. Emergency Funds & Big Purchases

    6. Bank Account Structures

    7. Why Is This Important To A Lender?

    8. Homework

    1. Debt

    2. What counts as Debt?

    3. Not All Debts Are Treated Equally

    4. Credit Checks

    5. Why Is This Important To A Lender?

    6. Homework

    1. Lesson Four - Income

    2. What Is Income?

    3. So, What Can Be Used?

    4. Why Is This Important To A Lender?

    5. Homework

    1. Deposits

    2. What Is A Deposit Vs A Deposit?

    3. What Can Be Used Towards Your Home Loan Deposit?

    4. Why Is This Important To A Lender?

    5. Homework

About this course

  • $49.00
  • 76 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content